This year has thrown a lot of unknown our way, and the year is not over yet. We started the year with big plans for our workshops, an idea for our shares, and excitement to get our members together. And obviously some of those things didn't work out, and yes, we were a little disappointed.
But this year has brought really great things too. Things that we could have never imagined, or planned.
Our Snuck Shares have grown in number, along with the relationships that come with them. We have added more pick up locations, spreading our shares out over both Salt Lake and Utah counties with a demand that we didn't know was there. We've had the opportunity to share together in fear, uncertainty and challenges, bringing us closer together as individuals and as a community. We have forged new collaborations that we hope will last a long time. We've partnered with creatives that have brought their talents and intention to the community. We welcomed new team members that are bringing their expertise and personalities and making us better.
This year is not what we expected, and we recognize that your year is probably not what you expected either. In some ways that's hard, but we also want to recognize the things that we hadn't planned, and couldn't have planned.
Sometimes, the unexpected is what we actually need most.
-Farmer & Cultivator