Pick up your shares closer to home

May 29, 2019

Pick up your shares closer to home

One of my strongest commitments when I started Snuck Farm was keeping our produce truly local. My background is as a nutritionist meant I’d seen the challenges of getting healthy food to the people who want it. So often, what we buy at the grocery store has been shipped in from another state, another country, or even another continent. In order to get here safely, it has to be picked before it’s ripe, or stored to artificially extend its shelf life. By the time we eat it, it’s been sitting around for so long that it’s lost significant amounts of its nutrients - not to mention flavor and texture.

Eating well has always been one of my most closely held values. By eating well, I don’t mean eating a lot, or eating indulgently. To me, eating well means eating the highest-quality versions of healthful foods, meaning that every bite you take is supporting your wellness. I feel good when what I put in my meals - and my family’s meals - is richly nutritious and organic.

This year, we’re making it easier for people in Salt Lake City to access our locally grown greens and veggies by opening a pick-up location at 3 Cups Coffee. Conveniently located in Holladay, this fabulous coffee shop will be making it simple to get your produce no matter where you live in the city. It’s expanding our reach while still staying true to my original commitment of keeping it local.

So go ahead and eat well!

Farmer & Cultivator

P.S. Want to change where you pick up your share? No problem! You can sign in on our website to change your pick up location. All changes must be complete by Sunday to take effect the following Wednesday.