Looking for experts

February 15, 2021

Looking for experts

There is always so much energy at the beginning of the year. Our workshops are coming online, our Flower Share registration is open, we're working on new collaborations, and we're putting everything in motion for a great year.

We're also looking for experts to invite to the Farm from our community. People who have a skill, and would be willing to share it. Preservation experts, home-brewing maestros, whole-food wizards, and pie-making masters, reach out to us. If you, or someone you know, have expertise, please write back and let us know. Here are a few category suggestions:

  • Preservation and fermentation
  • Home brewing - kombucha, beer, etc.
  • Herbs
  • Kids education
  • Adult cooking
  • Growing
  • Gardening
  • Craftsmanship
  • Art
  • Baking
  • Music
  • Health and Wellness
  • Natural Living

We’d love to explore partnering with you. We have the space. You have the skill. Let’s bring them together to make something magical.

-Farmer & Cultivator