In the past weeks, we've been blown away by the way our community has grown. We've worked with lots of creative people to find ways to keep local food available in circumstances that are brand-new for all of us. We've had neighbors volunteer their homes as delivery locations for our greens. There isn't a road map here, but we're building a pretty good one together.
For our Snuck Share members, not much has changed. They're still picking up shares, and still keeping their families eating delicious local food. If you're not yet a member, this is a great time to join! You can choose what size box of greens you'd prefer, from a modest mix of lettuces to a family-sized cornucopia of everything from kale to fresh herbs. Then all you have to do is pick it up from the farm or from one of our many pickup locations.
We're also collaborating with Petersen Family Farm this year to bring you a Farmyard Share: a summer fruit-and-veggie share packed with nourishing, locally grown produce. We can't wait to work with Petersen Farm to ensure you can eat fresh-picked Utah produce all summer long.
Let's keep working to make our communities strong, one meal at a time.
-Farmer & Cultivator