Hello Farm Members,
Every day in the greenhouse brings new discovery. The plants look like a sea of green interspersed with little bursts of color. But when we look closely, they're so much more complicated than that. They're as unique as fingerprints: ruffled, reaching, finely veined.
You can't move quickly through this space. You have to move slowly, mindfully. It encourages a kind of attention that we don't always have the time or capacity to give. Here, though, we have to handle each plant multiple times: planting the seed, transplanting the seedling, and pulling it out to send to the table. Our lives and work are inextricably linked with the lives and work of the plants as they grow. And so we notice each other in a different way than we might otherwise.
All it takes is a moment. In that moment, we see something amazing.
-The Snuck Team
Here's what you'll find in your shares this week:
Family Share:
Classic Share
Just Lettuce:
** Not a bread/yogurt week **